FUE Hair Transplant in Hungary, Budapest – from €0.79 / hair strand

La Porta as a unique collaborating partner of Dr. David Zakarias and his clinic in Budapest, offers you hair transplantation using the FUE speciality, the Safe System. This staff was the first in Hungary to be trained to use the FUE2-Safe System in the European Union. Hair restoration for men is the primary hair loss surgery performed at the fue hair clinic in Budapest.

Why the Safe System FUE2 is recommended – why is different?

FUE2 (Follicular Unit Extraction) is not a traditional hair transplantation technique. Comparing this Safe System with the traditional, older procedures, here there is no cutting or stitching so there will be no scars or other injuries after the hair implantation procedure. The FUE2 is more similar to a skin tattooing, which provides the client a permanent, aesthetic solution. Because of this special and advanced technique, there is no surgical risk and potential complication. The FUE2 Safe System in several countries is determined as a dermatological intervention and not as surgical one. Hair transplant cost

Is the FUE2 hair restoration a painful technique?

There is no report about that. Our staff have developed a needle-free anaesthetic method, with that the FUE2 Safe System is close to be painless. There will be only some slight inconvenience, but comparing this to older procedures, where there was cutting and stitching, this feeling is insignificant. The patient feels the scalp, like after a slight sunburn.

When the results of hair replacement will be visible?

The transplanted hair will start to grow 3 moths after the hair transplantation. While the final result develops between months 10 to 12, depending ont he metabolism. After that period the hair will grow naturally. Hair restoration abroad

Does it look natural?

Completely! There is no visible difference between the old and the new, transplanted hair. Already after 3 weeks, the transplanted hair behave like the originals. Thanks to the developed and applied hair insertion technique, the new hair grows in the direction and angle the patient and the doctor have discussed previously

Is there a guarantee for the transplanted hair?

In contrast with the conventional but still applied hair restoration procedures, using the FUE2, the hair itself is transplanted and not the strips, which were cut from the scalp are inserted (implanted). The transplanted hair will keep its features, characteristic and quality, just do not fall out. Only their position is changed with moving to another place through hair replacement.

How much is the FUE2 Safe System? Is it worth travelling to Budapest, Hungary?

All quotation we prepare in our hair clinic in Budapest, is individual and personalized, because every one is different with individual problems, needs and possibilities. The final price offer will be provided after the personal examination and consultation. Based on the information available, in comparasion with procedures performed at similar standards in other countries in Europe, in Hungary you can save a very significant amount, up to 50-60%.

Take a flight from Dublin to Budapest and get a new look in just 3-4 days – we will help and guide you through all the stages of your hair restoration trip! No hidden fees – you will get a detailed treatment plan with prices. Your direct costs start at €0.99 per hair – on average most men need 3000 hair implants at least to make the break through for the new look! Look at our hair transplant before after pictures gallery and find ourt more about our servce!

Please contact the numbers below or send an e-mail to hair@laportabp.net

